She Believed She Could So She Did

She Believed She Could So She Did

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Get Rid of Your Thanksgiving Bloat!

Get Rid of Your Thanksgiving Bloat

Did you overeat on Thanksgiving? I went into the day with a plan of what my plate would look like and what cheats I would splurge on. I did a pretty good job sticking to my plan, but I definitely overdid the pie and I can already feel the Thanksgiving bloat coming on! 

Here are a few tips to help you get rid of your belly bloat as soon as possible! 

Tip #1 Start your day by drinking lemon water & continue to hydrate all day! The lemon is going to help flush out the toxins and the hydration will help get rid of any water you are retaining. Usually when we overeat, we eat more sodium than our bodies are use to, so we retain water. The best way to get rid of the water weight, is to drink more water! Aim to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces. 

Tip #2 Replace a meal with a green juice! By taking out the fiber you are giving your digestive system a break while flooding your system with nutrients. If you don't have a juicer, they now sell great whole food juices at many local grocery stores. 

Tip #3 Exercise! Usually after a day of overeating, you don't want to move your body. So, start with yoga and focus on your breathing and stretching. I promise you will feel better! I have never known anyone to regret a workout! Not into yoga? Take a walk. 

Tip #4 Drink tea! Not only with this aid in your hydration, but two cups of herbal teas is known to decrease bloat within 24 hours. Choose a decaffeinated herbal tea like Chamomile tea.  A personal favorite of mine in mint tea,  I drink Tazo Refresh Tea daily. 

Follow these simple steps and you will feel better with your belly bloat gone in 24 hours. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Survival Guide

Tips to survive the Thanksgiving Food Fest

I have worked very hard to reach my health & fitness goals, so I have no plans to go completely off track tomorrow. Instead, I am going to go into the day with a plan! 

1. Eat a healthy breakfast-Start your day with a couple eggs & a piece of whole grain bread...maybe even add in some greens. You don't want to go into your main meal hungry!

2. Choose appetizers wisely-I rarely think bread is worth the calories, so I will choose veggies and/or fruit as an appetizer. If you are leaving your home for your Thanksgiving meal, offer to bring an appetizer, this way you know you will have healthy options. 

3. Choose your favorite as your cheat-Every year I put things on my plate that I don't really enjoy, but I eat them out of respect for the person who made it. This year, I will be respecting my goals and eating only what I will really enjoy! This means my plate will include turkey, sweet potatoes, a quinoa dish (I am bringing this) and a green salad (I am bringing this). I already know that I will pass on the bread, the stuffing, corn casserole and the mashed potatoes and gravy-if I don't love it-I will be passing on it this year. WHY? Because I will be having apple pie (I am making this as well)  & a glass of red wine as my cheat. 

4. Try to get your workout in-I plan to get my workout done first thing in the morning, so I stay on track. Just find the time! You're worth it. 

5. Enjoy yourself-Have a wonderful time with your family & if you go a little more off track than you planned, forgive yourself and get back at it on Friday! 

Happy Thanksgiving 
my healthy & fit friends! 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday Meal Prep

Sunday Meal Prep

I spend my Sunday getting ready for the week ahead. It goes beyond the typical laundry and grocery shopping I have always done. 

The first thing I do is get my calendar all set for the week, between my husband's schedule as a high school basketball coach, my daughter's commitments, and my own, we are a very busy family. My first priority is to get my 30 minute workouts scheduled, not only the time, but I schedule the specific workout I am planning on doing that day. My fitness is  a top priority for me, so I make sure to schedule it at a time when there will be no interruptions.

I also spend a few hours in my kitchen meal prepping for the week. After my calendar is set, I have a better idea about our dinners for the week. I drink my Shakeology for breakfast daily and I always have my two snacks ready to go. My lunches and dinners vary a little. Once a month I make extra crockpot meals that I freeze for weeks when we are really busy & I will just need a few dinners. I am most successful when I go into the week well prepared with meals and snacks ready to go. It is always worth my time on Sunday!

When I started meal prepping I was quite overwhelmed, but now that I have been doing this every Sunday, it is now a way of life for me. I don't see myself ever going back to life before...when I found myself in a local drive-thru several nights a week. 

Fitness Advent Calendar

I am so excited for the holiday season to kick off! I love everything about this time of year! Isabella and I will spend the entire day after Thanksgiving decorating the house for Christmas!

When I was young, my mom always bought me an advent calendar to count down to Christmas! I would open a new one every morning to be greeted by a delicious piece of chocolate. I have carried on this tradition with Isabella and she loves it just as much as I did. But this year, my advent calendar is all about health & fitness.

I will be counting down to Christmas with 24 days of workouts, 24 days of drinking Shakeology & 24 days of eating clean! And to be honest, I can't wait! This fitness challenge group is going to hold me accountable during the entire month of December, which is a month centered around food! I have worked very hard to get where I am and I don't want to undo that work by making bad choices. I will absolutely enjoy every moment of this festive season with my friends & family, but I will also honor my commitment to my health.

Join me and the other fitness challengers and make a commitment to ringing in 2015 being healthy, fit and feeling AMAZING.

Join the event at

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