She Believed She Could So She Did

She Believed She Could So She Did

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Delicious Egg Muffins

I love these egg muffins! They are easy to make, they store well and they are a tasty healthy treat! Enjoy! 

Delicious Egg Muffins
Servings: 12
  • 6 eggs
  • Cooked veggies (onions, mushrooms, green onion, peppers, artichoke, etc)
  • Meat (optional) – I like to brown a couple of diced chicken sausages (Trader Joes).
  • 3 TBSP Coconut Milk
  • 2 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 tsps mixed seasoning (I use a Johnny’s seasoning blend, you could use whatever your favorite seasoning with eggs is)
What to Do:
  1. Preheat oven to 350 and spray 12 cup muffin tin pan with coconut or olive oil. 1
  2. Beat eggs together with coconut milk. Stir in garlic, seasoning, veggies and meat!
  3. Bake for 30-35 minutes until tops turn golden.
These keep well in the fridge for 1-2 weeks (They won't last that long, my family eats them all in a few days!)! Enjoy!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Week 1 Insanity Max:30

Insanity Max:30

Before I started this new workout program, I was very fact, I was literally losing sleep as the date got closer. In my head, there was this fear, a fear that I couldn't do it, a fear that I had gotten in over my head, but I had made the commitment to myself & my fitness challengers, so I was not going to give up! I was also in the middle of a 24 Days of  Fitness Challenge, so I knew there was no true rest day in my near future. 

Day 1: Cardio Challenge- a 30 minute workout of intense cardio that pushed me to my max at 12:39. Here is a little preview! 

Day 2: Tabata Power: I had never even heard of tabata until this week! It is strength training with "20 seconds on, 10 seconds off".  I loved the challenge of the 20 seconds and the 10 second recovery! THIS IS AMAZING! 

Day 3:  Sweat Intervals + AB ATTACK 1.0- I knew going in this would be 40 minutes, but I just took it one move at a time and one thing I can say about these workouts-is 30 minutes goes quick! I pushed myself to do 10 more minutes of ab work-because I really want abs-so I am willing to work for them. I was a sweaty mess, I maxed out at 12:26! 

Day 4: Back to tabata with Tabata Strength. I was looking forward to this, but to be honest my body was tired; I pushed through and I maxed out at 11:04. I really like tabata style, mentally I can stay motivated through the 20 seconds, knowing I will have a 10 second recovery.  

Day 5: Friday Fight: Round 1: OUCH! I was tired and my body was exhausted-but what I will say is, that feeling is more mental than physical. As I laid in bed, going back and forth in my head if I could get up and do this, I just got up and got it done. I maxed out at 8:26, and I followed the modifier most of the time. But once I was done, I felt great. These workouts are more mental than physical, your body will go where you mind will let it-you just can't let your mind give up first. 

There are many things I love about this new program, Insanity Max:30. I love the challenge of the workout, I love the motivation Shaun T. gives me everyday as I fight a little harder each day. I love that is it 30 minutes! After all, we can do anything for 30 minutes. I love that there is a modifier and that I can split the screen so I can see the modifier the entire time. I love how I feel when I am DONE! I love the nutrition program, which gives me portion control and helps me balance my meals with the proper amounts of protein, carbs & fats that my body needs! When you give your body what it needs, it gets rid of what it doesn't need (the extra weight).

I can't wait to share my results in 7 more weeks! I can already see my abs changing and I just feel stronger! 

Join my next challenge group and let me help you reach your health & fitness goals for 2015! If I can do this, you can do this! 

Email me at or 
find me on Facebook at

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Quick and Easy Breakfast

Avocado and Egg Toast

I love hard-boiled eggs! This easy, quick recipe is delicious. All you need is a piece of toast (I love Dave’s Bread), top it with mashed avocado, sliced hard-boiled eggs (it's better if they are warm) and a little salt & pepper! 

It is quite a treat! Enjoy!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

5 Benefits of Drinking Water in the Morning

Drinking enough water is one of my biggest challenges, I aim to drink at least half of my body weight in ounces every day, but I don't always meet my goal! I am a teacher, and we are very limited on restroom breaks, so 5 days out of my week I have to plan my water around my day. One thing that has helped me is to get more water in when I first wake up in the morning . There are added benefits to doing this.

#1 Drinking water on an empty stomach purifies the colon, making it easier to absorb nutrients.

#2 Water increases the production of new muscle and blood cells.

#3 Drinking water helps with weight loss. Not only does it fill you up, if you drink 16 ounces of chilled water first thing in the morning, it will kick start your metabolism.

#4 Drinking water helps flush toxins from your blood which will help your skin glow! Who doesn’t want clear, glowing skin?

#5 Drinking water balances your lymph system. These glands help your body to perform daily functions, balance your body fluids and fight infection!

These are all great reasons to start your day with 16 ounces of water and continue to drink throughout the day!

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg

Why is this so hard to do? Maybe it's just me, after many years I have finally figured it out. YAY! And today I am going to share my secret to the perfect hard-boiled egg with you. 

1. Place eggs in a large saucepan. Cover them with cool water by 1 inch. Slowly bring water to a boil over medium heat; when the water has reached a boil, cover and remove from heat. 

2. Let sit 10 minutes. Before you place in an ice bath, shake the eggs in the saucepan so the egg shells crack. This will make them easier to peel.

3. Transfer eggs to a colander; place under cool running water to stop the cooking. In Arizona our tap water is rarely cold, so I place them in an ice bath to cool them. 

4. Eggs can be peeled and served immediately.

5. I love them warm topped with a little salt & pepper.
