She Believed She Could So She Did

She Believed She Could So She Did

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Get Rid of Your Thanksgiving Bloat!

Get Rid of Your Thanksgiving Bloat

Did you overeat on Thanksgiving? I went into the day with a plan of what my plate would look like and what cheats I would splurge on. I did a pretty good job sticking to my plan, but I definitely overdid the pie and I can already feel the Thanksgiving bloat coming on! 

Here are a few tips to help you get rid of your belly bloat as soon as possible! 

Tip #1 Start your day by drinking lemon water & continue to hydrate all day! The lemon is going to help flush out the toxins and the hydration will help get rid of any water you are retaining. Usually when we overeat, we eat more sodium than our bodies are use to, so we retain water. The best way to get rid of the water weight, is to drink more water! Aim to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces. 

Tip #2 Replace a meal with a green juice! By taking out the fiber you are giving your digestive system a break while flooding your system with nutrients. If you don't have a juicer, they now sell great whole food juices at many local grocery stores. 

Tip #3 Exercise! Usually after a day of overeating, you don't want to move your body. So, start with yoga and focus on your breathing and stretching. I promise you will feel better! I have never known anyone to regret a workout! Not into yoga? Take a walk. 

Tip #4 Drink tea! Not only with this aid in your hydration, but two cups of herbal teas is known to decrease bloat within 24 hours. Choose a decaffeinated herbal tea like Chamomile tea.  A personal favorite of mine in mint tea,  I drink Tazo Refresh Tea daily. 

Follow these simple steps and you will feel better with your belly bloat gone in 24 hours. 

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