She Believed She Could So She Did

She Believed She Could So She Did

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Survival Guide

Tips to survive the Thanksgiving Food Fest

I have worked very hard to reach my health & fitness goals, so I have no plans to go completely off track tomorrow. Instead, I am going to go into the day with a plan! 

1. Eat a healthy breakfast-Start your day with a couple eggs & a piece of whole grain bread...maybe even add in some greens. You don't want to go into your main meal hungry!

2. Choose appetizers wisely-I rarely think bread is worth the calories, so I will choose veggies and/or fruit as an appetizer. If you are leaving your home for your Thanksgiving meal, offer to bring an appetizer, this way you know you will have healthy options. 

3. Choose your favorite as your cheat-Every year I put things on my plate that I don't really enjoy, but I eat them out of respect for the person who made it. This year, I will be respecting my goals and eating only what I will really enjoy! This means my plate will include turkey, sweet potatoes, a quinoa dish (I am bringing this) and a green salad (I am bringing this). I already know that I will pass on the bread, the stuffing, corn casserole and the mashed potatoes and gravy-if I don't love it-I will be passing on it this year. WHY? Because I will be having apple pie (I am making this as well)  & a glass of red wine as my cheat. 

4. Try to get your workout in-I plan to get my workout done first thing in the morning, so I stay on track. Just find the time! You're worth it. 

5. Enjoy yourself-Have a wonderful time with your family & if you go a little more off track than you planned, forgive yourself and get back at it on Friday! 

Happy Thanksgiving 
my healthy & fit friends! 

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